As a parent, you have the right to make a Placing Request for your child(ren) to be educated in a school other than the catchment school. Applications for Primary 1 and Secondary 1 Placing Requests to commence school in August will be accepted following the publication of an advert in the local press inviting applications in early December.
Every effort will be made to try to meet parental wishes, but you should note that it is not always possible to grant every Placing Request to a particular school. You should also note that a successful Placing Request for one child does not guarantee a successful one for another child. It may be, therefore, that a parent could end up with children at different schools.
Primary 1 children must also be enrolled at the catchment area school on the appropriate Enrolment Form whilst awaiting the outcome of their Placing Request Application. If the Placing Request is granted, the child’s enrolment at the catchment school will automatically be withdrawn by the Education Office.
Placing Requests can only be approved when there are sufficient places remaining in the class after all catchment area children have enrolled and if staffing and accommodation at the school are able to meet the numbers of Placing Requests at that school. The Education Office can also reserve places in a class for future catchment pupils they expect to move into the area in the following school year.
If more Placing Requests are made for admission to a particular school than places available, these requests will be prioritised according to East Dunbartonshire Council’s Admission Policy and requests accepted and refused accordingly.
Your placing request will be considered against a set of criteria which is set out in the Council’s priorities for admission. Please refer to the Placing Request Application Form for more details.
Any Placing Requests received after the 15th of March for Primary 1 and Secondary 1 will not be considered in the first round of Placing Requests. Parents/Carers will be notified of the outcome of their request within 2 months of receipt of your Placing Request.
As soon as a decision has been made, you will be notified of the result. If your Placing Request is successful, you will be asked to contact the school to establish arrangements for enrolment.
Any placing requests received after the 15th March for Primary 1 and Secondary 1 will not be considered in the first round of Placing Requests. Parents/Carers will be notified of the outcome of their request within 2 months of receipt of your Placing request.
Parents should note that in cases where your child is currently in attendance at a primary school as a result of a successful placing request, there will be the need for a further request to be made to transfer to the secondary school associated with the primary school. Parents should, however, be aware there is no guarantee that any such request will be successful and therefore contact should be made with your local secondary school to inform them of your intention to request a place in a school of your choice. Parents are requested to contact the education office to clarify this position if they are unsure.