The PTA is mainly responsible for arranging events for parents and raising funds for the school. Voulanteesrs are welcome – please contact the PTA if you want to join in.

The Parent Teachers’ Association meets during the school session. The Office-bearers are elected at the Annual General Meeting in September. You can get further information from the Chair – Amy Walker Phone: 0141 955 2276 Email:

The Parent Teachers’ Association organise activities including dances for parents, discos for children, a May Fayre and a Christmas Fayre each session. We encouraged you to support the PTA and parents wishing to volunteer or assist at events will be most welcome.

The Scottish Parent Teacher Council is the national organisation for PTAs in Scotland and runs an independent helpline service for all parents. They can be contacted by phone on 0131 226 4378, fax 0870 706 5814 or email on or write to SPTC, Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB