Rights Respecting Committee

As Rights Ambassadors, it is our role to help our school be a Rights Respecting School.

This is very important to us because the ethos of being a Rights Respecting School is that everyone will be caring and supportive of each other.

We were delighted last year to achieve the Rights Respecting Schools bronze award and this year we are aiming for silver. To achieve this, we will be presenting school assemblies about different rights, organising events and competitions and creating a display area to help us teach everyone about their rights and why these are so important.

Human rights are the things that every person should have, or be able to do, to live a healthy and peaceful life anywhere in the world. It doesn't matter what age you are, or where you are from, what religion you are, or whether you are a boy or a girl. We all have these rights because we are born human.

 When we all understand what our rights are, we will also understand that everyone shares these rights, and everyone should be respected, listened to and have their opinion taken seriously.

We are all very excited about our roles as rights ambassadors this year and we are looking forward to sharing our journey with you.


The Rights Respecting Ambassador Team